Yoga – Transformation and Healing

Yoga has the power to transform and heal a person. It helps us to re-evaluate our old patterns and initiate change. Being a means of transformation, practicing yoga is an expression of respect and responsibility for one’s own life and for the world. As we grow, yoga helps us to connect deeper with the world around us and live our life guided by the values and vision that we carry and protect in our heart.

Yoga works on the whole being. Postures are synchronized with the movements of the breath. With the focus on the present moment, we are aware on alignment, breath and the response of body and mind to our practice. The discipline in our practice teaches the mind to overcome obstacles, both physical and mental. By the end of a practice, we feel a deep relaxation of body and mind. But, yoga is not just about relaxation …

Yoga offers an age-old way to connect with something within us that is so much greater than what we think we are. A mind, refined and able to concentrate through the disciplined practice of yoga, is prepared for a new understanding of reality as revealed by the Rishis and taught through Vedanta.

Many years of passionate and committed practise & in-depth study of various schools of yoga formed Rakesh as a yoga teacher. He studied Iyengar yoga for many years with one of the senior-most Iyengar teachers in Rishikesh and with Guruji Iyengar in Pune. He studied Ashtanga yoga in Mysore with the daughter of Sri Pattabhi Jois, and, hailing from Rishikesh, he studied and practiced with many local yogis and yoginis, who all contributed in some way to form Rakesh as the teacher that he is today.

Rakesh’s teaching is strongly influenced by Iyengar yoga and includes the use of props. Props help yoga students of different levels to execute yogasanas with better alignment in a safe and harmonious way. With adequate support, students can better focus on the precise inner and outer alignment of the asanas.

The experience of the intensive yoga sessions during a retreat, together with the practice of Pranayama and Meditation, the teaching of Indian philosophy and Mantra chanting, inspires and gives strength and clarity to participants to bring about desirable and necessary changes in their lifes.

Rakesh’s teaching of Yoga goes therefore beyond the practice on the mat, as the energy created expands to day-to-day life. It brings about healing and re-connection with the world and with all beings.

Let’s connect, practice and grow together! Receive updates on Rakesh’s teaching schedule, his workshops and retreats by subscribing to the newsletter. Check out the ‘Schedule’ page to see the course & retreat program for 2018.

Traditional Mantra Classes @ Joy Community

Upcoming  Retreats
Transformation & Healing through Yoga

  • 8 Days Intensive Yoga Retreat in Mohan Chatti
    @ Sahaja Retreat Camp
    █  2. to 9. November 2024